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26th Mar 2018

Dog owners warned to keep pets away from mud due to deadly disease

Owners should wash any mud off their dogs after walks and watch out for early signs of the illness known as CRGV.

Kyle Picknell

It can lead to potentially fatal kidney failure.

There are fears that dogs in the UK are contracting Alabama Rot – also known as ‘dog’s black death’ – through mud being picked up on their paws and legs during walks. It effects all breeds and an increasing number of deaths are being reported in the UK.

135 cases of the disease have been reported since 2012, with 37 alone in 2017, the most recorded in a year so far. Although it seems rare there have been 29 cases already in 2018, and that number could surge further due to bad weather.

The illness is otherwise known as CRGV and has a horrifying 80% mortality rate as it is often too late to do anything by the time a pet is diagnosed.

Owners are being urged to check their dogs thoroughly after walks and wash off any mud they may have picked up. The disease is believed to thrive in cold, wet soil, so try and stick to dry paths when possible.

The first sign is a skin sore, as Vets4Pets explain: “Most commonly, these sores are found below the elbow or knee and appear as a distinct swelling, a patch of red skin, or are open and ulcer-like. Within approximately two to seven days, the affected dogs develop outward signs of sudden kidney failure which can include vomiting, reduced hunger, and an unusual tiredness.”

“Skin sores and sudden kidney failure are not unique to this disease alone, and are actually more likely to be caused by some other disease. Your vet will run a number of tests to determine the underlying cause” they added.

Although other less serious diseases are more likely it is important to take precautions because of the severity of CRGV.
