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08th May 2016

English baroness picks up grown man in Vietnam thinking he was a small child

Carl Kinsella

This made us cringe so hard that our skin started to crawl.

Looks can be deceiving, and there are few among us who have been forced to bite our tongue after asking a question like ‘When’s the baby due?’ only to discover that there is no baby at all and the person is just carrying some winter weight.

Nevertheless, this gaff by Baroness Mone of Mayfair (which sounds so fancy we almost feel unworthy to type it), really does take the biscuit.

We hope that the man took it in good humour, seeing as Lady Mone hasn’t really apologised or clarified his name or his age…

Even still, we can all learn a valuable lesson from this. Don’t pick up anybody until you’ve made completely sure that they’re a child.

