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18th Apr 2016

Gymnastics coach spectacularly rescues girl from a painful injury

What a catch

Matt Tate

A gymnastics coach in Canada has been videoed pulling off a superhero save that Spider-Man himself would have to tip his mask to.

The coach, referred to only as Vitali by the Gym Magic Gymnastics Club in Canada, was supervising a warm-up session at the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Ontario Championships when a young female contestant missed her grip on a bar.

The 11-year-old, named Caidance, looked like she was going to land very awkwardly on her head when the quick-thinking Vitali sprang into life and caught her just in time.

He then somehow managed to transfer her momentum into a very stylish roll, and the crowd burst into applause.

Gym Magic later said in a post on Facebook: “Our amazing coach Vitali won an award at Provincials too for Best Catch Ever! We are thankful to have such great coaches”.

Not a bad day at the office.