JOE’s agony aunt Megan Barton-Hanson wants to help you get laid
The question: Hi Megan, it’s Becky, I’m 23 years old and I’m from Essex. Me and my boyfriend have been having sex for a while now, I’m really enjoying it but I want to bring some sex toys in to spice it up but I don’t want him to get jealous and I have a lot of sex toys.
The answer: Firstly, I think you’re overthinking this so much. I feel like men aren’t going to be insecure about the toy. When there’s times when he’s like not around or you’re just busy or a bit horny, I think if anything it’s hot.
If I was texting my guy and I was like ‘Oh guess what I’ve been up to’ – I think that’s a turn on. So I think you’re overthinking but equally I love how conscientious you are about his feelings. I think maybe just bring it up, just be like, ‘Babe, I used this toy the other day and I had the best orgasm, why don’t we get involved next time we fuck?’.
I think sometimes if you’re having sex and you’re trying to bring these situations up, it is a bit awkward. ‘I just had the best time, why don’t we get this involved next time we fuck?’ Why would you refuse that?
He’s got to be mental and if he is insecure about your sex toy he’s giving small dick energy girl, you need to run. Don’t look back just keep running. If a man is insecure about your sex toy it’s telling me one thing, it’s giving small dick energy, I don’t know why you’re keeping them.
I don’t know where you’re keeping them but I need to know where your secret stash is because mine are just constantly in my bed, it’s so awkward. I bring a guy back to mine and I’m kicking it out trying to make eye contact so his eyes don’t drop to the sex toy.
So another point, I feel like when I date girls it’s not even a question about using toys, it’s like part and parcel of having sex with girls but I feel like we’re so conscious of guy’s egos – like I said, it’s giving small dick energy. If he can’t come to terms with the fact you use a sex toy when he’s not around he needs to grow the fuck up.
Have any dilemmas of your own? Send Megan your questions and concerns here. Ask her anything. Pour your soul out. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll get a shag at the weekend.