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16th Jul 2015

Insane video of British stuntman doing a terrifying ‘hold and release’ bungee jump

Just madness...

Ben Kenyon

Just when you think stuntman Damien Walters can’t get any more crackers, he goes and does this…

Walters is the chap that front-flipped over his own two-story house from a Russian swing – if you’ve not seen it, have a look.

But he’s just taken it up another notch with this stunt.

Basically he does a dizzying bungee jump from a crane with no safety harness.

He leaps from the top holding onto the rope with his bare hands before casually jumping off to finish with a flip at the bottom.

The man has balls of solid steel, look…

If you want to see it at full speed, then have a look here…