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07th Sep 2015

Introducing the first ever Nutella-themed cafe…



Ah the chocolatey goodness of Nutella. Whether smeared on toast or straight from the jar, it’s a velvety delight that’s hard to beat…

Which makes the announcement of a new eatery devoted entirely to Nutella servings a game-changer in the high street snack stakes. The only question is why didn’t anyone think of it before?

A husband-and-wife team from down under are launching the first Nutella pop-up store in Melbourne, Australia. They’ll be trading in all sorts of snacks and desserts with one common ingredient – the nutty good stuff.

The cafe will feature, amongst other delights, Nutella ‘bento boxes’ containing a Nutella peanut-butter S’more (marshmallow and chocolate sandwich), a Nutella salted-caramel chocolate truffle, and a Nutella and maple tart with smoked hickory Italian meringue.

Aussie couple Paul and Lauren Kristoff should be commended for their excellent idea, but it would be nice if they could spread their love of Nutella to these shores – we’ll be waiting…