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20th Apr 2015

Kim Jong-un’s climb up North Korea’s highest mountain met with scepticism


It’s tough being the son of a famous father.

According to Kim Jong-il’s biography, the former Supreme Leader of North Korea wrote over 1,500 books in three years in university, scripted six operas that were better than any in the history of music and, in his first ever game of golf, recorded 11 holes-in-one on his way to a round of 38 under par. Not bad.

Now his son, Kim Jong-un, who has reigned over North Korea since Jong-il’s death in 2011, is trying to compete with his old man’s list of epic achievements.

On Sunday, North Korean state-run media claimed that Jong-un scaled North Korea’s highest mountain, Mount Paektu, publishing pictures of the Supreme Leader on a snowy mountain top and looking quite chuffed with himself.


All pics via KCNA

Kim Jong-un was there to see pilots from the Korean People’s Army, but it must have been a poignant family moment for him too because it is the mountain on which his dad was born.

Reports from North Korean media read: ‘With a broad smile on his face, the Supreme Commander said that the looks of Mt. Paektu is impressive and the sunrise over Mt. Paektu is a charming and beautiful sight rare to be seen, adding the new morning of Korea dawns from Mt. Paektu.’

Kim Jong-un’s feat is even more impressive when you consider that he was able to make his way to the summit, 2,750 metres above sea level, wearing a fairly everyday get-up – including what appears to be a pair of pristine loafers…

Twitter had fun with the news of course, and wasn’t at all dubious about Jong-un’s achievement…


News,North Korea