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04th Sep 2021

‘Little blast of summer’ to bring highs of 28°C

Kieran Galpin

Summer is not over yet

If you are one of those people sitting at home wondering where the sun is, then don’t worry, because thanks to climate change you’re probably going to get a few days of sunny skies and blistering heat by Tuesday.

As per the Metro, weather forecaster Alex Burkill said: “It does look like hot temperatures will start to arrive in the South East after a disappointing end to the summer. August had been particularly grey and dull with cooler temperatures, however, it looks like there will be a little blast of summer weather.

“The week will start with temperatures reaching 27°C on Monday. It’s likely to be dry and sunny for most but this will only be the beginning. Tuesday is likely to be the hottest day, with temperatures probably reaching highs of 28°C or even higher before dropping slightly on Wednesday.

He continued: “There is some uncertainty about how hot it will be, and it won’t be the case for the whole country.”

However, don’t relish in the sun for too long as thunderstorms are thought to follow. So keep your suncream close but your umbrella even closer.

“At the early part of September we’re probably looking at an average of about 21C across southern parts of the UK,” said meteorologist Craig Snell.

“In the north, we are probably looking more around the high teens so 17C to 18C.”

But since summer is pretty much done now, get out those jumpers because autumn is finally here. It’s the season of pumpkin-spiced lattes, warm brown hues, and of course Halloween.

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