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06th Jun 2016

Little girl breaks down when she gets a doll with prosthetic leg just like her own

"It's got a leg like me!"

Laura Holland

The smallest gesture can be so meaningful to a child.

A young girl with a prosthetic leg received a doll with a prosthetic leg and her reaction upon receiving it is so lovely. She breaks down in joy at the sight of the doll, noticing that they have the same leg.

According to The Mighty, 10-year-old Emma Bennett received the doll as a gift from her mum, Courtney, who filmed her reaction as she opened it.

In the video – which has been watched 32 million times and shared by over 200,000 people – Emma can be seen opening the box and saying, “You got to be kidding me. It’s got a leg like me”, before bursting into tears and hugging her new toy.

Watch it here:

A letter accompanied the doll which read:

“Mommy and Daddy had it sent off to this company, A Step Ahead Prosthetics. After she arrived she was given a room to stay while her new leg was being made. She was fitted with a leg in her favorite color, pink, and she started walking on it right away.

After a few weeks of training to walk and run in her new prosthetic, she is ready to go home and live her life without limitations with you.”

Images and d video via Facebook/Courtney Fletcher Bennett