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15th Apr 2016

Man’s controversial search for ‘girl of his dreams’ has seriously p*ssed people off


Australian man, Brok Heilsen, is searching for the ‘girl of his dreams’ after spotting her in a supermarket.

While picking up some fruit and veg in Woolworths, Brok spotted the lady in question and this prompted an online campaign so he could meet her.

(Why he didn’t just attempt to talk to her in the shop is anyone’s guess).

Spotted on Mashable, the photo has garnered a negative reaction from some people who have questioned why Brok took a photo of a woman from behind, especially as she hadn’t given him consent to do so.

It all started when Brok’s friend Blake Mitchell Nicols uploaded the post below to Woolworths Facebook page asking for their help in finding the mystery girl.

Image via Facebook: Woolworths

It read:

“Hello Woolworths, I’ll start by saying my loyalty to Woolworths is second to none. I was at Woolworths (Q Super Centre) this evening at 7:38pm (AEST) with my friend Brok buying fresh produce to make butter chicken when he’s glanced over at the girl of his dreams.

For years, you’ve brought people together with your sensational service, fantastic products with a catchy theme song that’s kept me coming back, so now do what you do best and bring these two together.

(Girl buying mushrooms if you read this, we will be in this section every night at 7:38pm until we meet again)


The post quickly went viral and it wasn’t long before people started to question why the photo was taken in the first place, instead of just speaking to the woman or leaving her be.

An update has since been posted to the page reading:

UPDATE: Mystery brunette had a friend meet at Woolworths to meet Brok and its confirmed that she is mushroom girls friend.
Who knows what will happen next… ‪#‎HopeForBrok‬

It’s not hard to see why the post has incited controversy!

Image via Woolworths Facebook