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03rd May 2016

McDonald’s is trialling a completely new version of their famous French fries

Cassie Delaney

What’s with all the changes lads?

There’s been a ton of new additions to the McDonald’s menu recently.

Firstly they revamped the Big Mac, then they offered three brand new burgers.

The changes are supposedly to cope with dwindling profits and the latest addition is surely an attempt to keep up artisan food trends.

Feast your eyes on the garlic fries.

Dubbed the “Gilroy Garlic Fries,” according to TIME, the fries are made-to-order in McDonald’s kitchens where restaurant employees toss French fries in stainless steel bowls with a purée mix that includes ingredients, such as chopped Gilroy garlic and olive oil, parmesan cheese, parsley and a pinch of salt.

The garlic fries are part of a trend at McDonald’s to experiment with regional flavours and food on its menu.

They are currently being tested in four restaurants in the states with a view of expanding the item to over 250 locations.

We’ll probably stick to our garlic and cheese delicacy thanks.

