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22nd Apr 2021

Missing dog returned to owner after 290 days in emotional reunion

Danny Jones

We’re not crying, you are

There is nothing quite as special as a bond between a good boy or girl and their owner; the thought of anything happening to them is almost too much to handle. We really do not deserve dogs.

For one heartbroken owner, she and her missing dog had been separated for 290 days after the poor pup went missing in July 2020. However, after months of searching, the family was finally reunited. Watch this touching moment as his mum, Alissa, returns home to find him waiting:

Fisher – a Boston Terrier who was just two years old when he disappeared – had learned how to open doors and let himself and went missing in Ocean City, Maryland, on the 4th of July last year.

The missing dog was microchipped and eventually presumed stolen; this looks to have been increasingly likely when he was eventually found roaming the streets of Baltimore, almost three hours northwest from his original home.

Family friends had to drive over five hours from Connecticut to pick him up and take him back to Annapolis (also located in Maryland). Now that’s what you call mates – well played, guys.

Alissa and her husband had started a Facebook page labelled #FindFisher almost immediately after he went missing/was stolen; the page had over 7,2000 members, all of whom played their part in reuniting the good boy with his people parents.

In a post yesterday from the owner herself, Alissa shared the above footage with its followers, telling the incredible story, thanking his rescuers and everyone else that helped spread the word over the past 9 months.

Fisher has a slightly injured paw but looks to be in good spirits – he certainly recognises his mum! The world has been pretty rough over the last year or so, but if this isn’t a story to warm your heart, we don’t know what will.

We’re so glad Fisher found his way home – let’s hope he gets all his cuddles at once!