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04th Jan 2017

17 ridiculous things that could only ever happen in Newcastle

It's all kicking off in the Toon.

Alex Finnis

1. A beer tap that serves 37.5% straight vodka, hopefully not by the pint:

Image: Twitter: @SOHO_NCL


2. This shop that just says it like it is:

Image: Twitter: @andy_brown4430


3. A discount Greggs outlet shop – the most Newcastle thing to ever exist:

Image: Twitter: @L0rdDenning


4. A Greggs with a bouncer on the door:

Image: Twitter: @fords42


5. And a Greggs two doors down from… another Greggs:

Image: Twitter: @a1colat


6. This classic putdown from Newcastle Brown Ale:

Image: Twitter: @ConnorWilson_98


7. A three-course meal of a pie, a Twix and a WKD Blue, only available at St. James Park:

Image: Twitter: @ManUnited_Hub


8. Club promoters that try to tempt you in by giving you club-branded condoms:

Image: Twitter: @tashaamorrish


9. Airport security with better chat than you:

Image: Twitter: @ellaviolatedyou


10. Fudge that comes in both Jägermeister and Vodka Red Bull flavour:

Image: Twitter: @seano86


11. Legal highs being sold as pizza toppings:



12. This man who gives absolutely no fucks:

Image: Twitter: @mattyne29


13. The classic trackie bottoms, socks and high heels combo:

Image: Twitter: @ConnorTheGooner


14. A pissed bloke hoovering the road in the middle of the night:

Image: Twitter: @drumshop


15. This genius Henry Hoover nativity scene:

Image: Twitter: @jmbrighton


16. Trebles for £1.95. ONE POUND NINETY-FIVE!:

Image: Twitter: @dmaunsell


17. And of course, the bloke who got angry about losing the derby and punched a police horse:

