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28th Nov 2016

21 people who are having a way, way worse time than you

You can't be having as bad a day as these people.

Alex Finnis

1. This guy and his haircut:

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Image: Twitter: @JetiJig


2. This “lil ass child”:

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Image: reddit


3. Heather:

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Image: Twitter: @Heathernab


4. This guy and his roommate’s “weird ass sock”:

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Image: imgur


5. This bloke’s poor daughter:


Image: imgur


6. Whoever owns this toothbrush:

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Image: Twitter: @matusfun_com


7. Cindy’s son:

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Image: imgur


8. The guy who made this:

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Image: tumblr


9. The world’s most ambitious man:

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Image: reddit


10. This little girl:

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Image: Twitter: @WTFKAREEM


11. And this little boy:

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Image: Twitter: @Floridian


12. This girl, who needs to find better friends:


Image: Twitter: @KiiingSha


13. Whoever attempted to get these balloons down:

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Image: reddit


14. Matt, and also his wife:


Image: imgur


15. This driver, who may or may not be a coyote:


Image: imgur


16. This girl who had to go to the fire station because she got stuck in a Barney head:

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Image: imgur


17. This kid, who still only got a C:

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Image: imgur


18. All of this girl’s friends:


Image: Twitter: @horanwasted


19. This girl and her school:

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Image: Twitter: @lyxopk


20. This girl, who’s definitely dead now:

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Image: Reddit


21. And this poor, poor bastard, who should just go back to bed:

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Image: imgur

