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01st Nov 2015

Man drinks 1 litre of booze every day for a year, leaving his neck in a terrible condition (Pic)

Paul Moore

It doesn’t take a genius to know that consuming a litre of alcohol a day for the best part of three decades isn’t a good idea, but some people just refuse to listen to those warnings about drinking responsibly.

This Chinese man is dealing with a situation that’s far worse for his health than a normal hangover after a life of excessive drinking left him with a fatty tumour that developed around his throat.

The Detroit Times report that “the man, named as Hong Shu, has been diagnosed with the rare Madelung disease, where fatty deposits accumulate in various areas of the body including the neck, arms and legs”.

There are only 400 instances of this rare disease in the world and if you ever needed a picture to promote responsible drinking then here it is.


