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06th Jun 2016

Mother thinks she finds drugs in daughter’s room, but she gets it very wrong

Classic mum mistake.

Alan Loughnane

Finding drugs in your teenager’s room would be a nightmare for most parents.

So when Ashley Banks’ mother found a suspicious bag of pills in her daughter’s room, she was furious.  She contacted Ashley and ordered her home to their house in Texas, and we can only imagine what was going through her mind in those moments.

It starts off with her mother finding a suspicious bag in Ashley’s room.

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She was obviously upset that her daughter was involved in such narcotics, but all was not what it seemed…

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She was embracing her inner child with these magical little tablets which turn into dinosaurs. Come on, those dinosaur tablets are cool as f*ck.

We’re pretty sure there’s some kind of witchcraft involved.

Here’s a video of how they work…

Video via Tiny Treasures and Toys

