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28th Mar 2018

QUIZ: JOE’s Alphabet Quiz Week 7.5: The Letter ‘G’

If you get less than 15 you have to stand on a LEGO brick. Those are the rules.

Kyle Picknell

Time to sort out this mess.

Right. I’ve had enough. It’s time to sort the world famous JOE alphabet quiz and steer this ship back onto the right course.

Those of you that have been following over the past few weeks will have noticed that the week number hasn’t been matching up to the letter number, through no fault of my own may I add , and it has been causing me severe mental distress ever since.

It’s time to address it, so this week is officially week 7.5 and that means we will be sorted for the letter ‘H’ next time round and I will finally be able to sleep at night.

This is by no means half a quiz though, oh no, and I have questions for you on the Gibraltar football team, The Godfather, Gorillaz and gluten.

In the immortal words of a certain New York rapper: G-G-G Unit. Let’s get our quiz on.

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