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06th Sep 2021

Satanic Temple takes legal action against Texas abortion law – says members should be exempt

Kieran Galpin

Satanists take a stand against abortion law

The Satanic Temple (TST) is challenging the state of Texas over new abortion laws that effectively outlaw the procedure once a ‘heartbeat is registered.

TST lawyers have sent a letter to the US Food and Drug Administration stating that abortion is the faith-based right of its members and argued that under The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), its members should be allowed to access abortion pills Misoprostol and Mifepristone without regulatory action.

Satanic Temple spokesperson, Lucien Greaves, said in a statement. “I am sure Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton—who famously spends a good deal of his time composing press releases about Religious Liberty issues in other states—will be proud to see that Texas’s robust Religious Liberty laws, which he so vociferously champions, will prevent future Abortion Rituals from being interrupted by superfluous government restrictions meant only to shame and harass those seeking an abortion.”

Though Christian faith has largely painted Satan as the epitome of all evil, TST and many other offshoots believe this to be a fabrication. While Christianities doctrines are largely focused on what you can’t do, Satanism is largely the opposite. They believe in freedom, compassion, justice, and the validity of science.


In a statement released on Twitter, The Satanic Temple said: “Abortion laws in TX violate our religious rights, and TST has taken legal action. If TX judges abide by the Constitution and legal precedent, then those who share our deeply held beliefs will be exempt from the state’s inappropriate efforts to restrict access to abortion services.”

The Temple of Satan, which was founded in 2013, has a record of activism. Its stated mission is: “to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice and undertake noble pursuits.”

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