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09th May 2016

Summer is here, and it’s great, but f*ck you hayfever

Summer time and the livin' is sneezy

Carl Anka

Ah, the summer is finally here. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining. All is well.

Well, except for those who suffer from hayfever that is.

Yes, the return of summer means the return of hayfever season. The return of constant sneezing, runny noses and blood shot eyes.

Hayfever sufferers are currently sprinting to chemists the country over to stock up on antihistamine pills, tissues, and hope.

Because there’s nothing quite like hayfever to make everyone think you’ve turned into (more of a chronic) masturbator, with a bedroom full of soggy tissues.

(via heliochromic)

Hayfever season – when a stroll in the park turns into a session of plant bukkake: pollen invading all of your orifices, reducing you to mucus-filled, sneezing wreck of a human being.


Hayfever season – where waking up is a 10 minute rigmarole full of sneezing, clearing your throat and wishing for the cold winter to return.

Hayefever season – where you wake up every morning praying for good news on the weather report.

Hayfever season – where people who wear contacts sincerely think, ‘Do I really need both of my eyes? Surely I can claw out one?’

Plants are banging, and it’s causing you to cry. HAYFEVER.

Understand, that if you’re the type of person who can take a deep breath in a garden without sneezing, we hayfever suffers hate you right now.

Do you suffer from hayfever? What are you top tips for beating the sneezes? Let us know at, or drop us a message on Facebook.

