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18th Dec 2015

This act of kindness snowballed into something huge at a McDonald’s drive-thru


The Christmas spirit is very much alive in Lakeland, Florida as over 250 people benefited from a random act of kindness at a McDonald’s drive-thru.

According to ABC News, McDonald’s worker Marisabel Figueroa was working the drive-thru when a customer at her window said she wanted to pay for the meal ordered by the car behind her as well as her own.

The lady in the car told Marisabel to tell the driver behind to have a “Merry Christmas” and then she drove off having settled the bill for both cars.

Thumbs Up

When the guy in the car behind pulled up to the window and heard what happened, he decided to do the same for the car behind him.

The whole thing snowballed and every car in the drive-thru did the same thing for Marisabel’s shift which lasted between 9am and 3pm.

Overall, 250 people took part in the chain and one woman even paid for the next three cars behind.

We’d love to know who eventually said “Great, free meal!” and just drove off!

