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19th May 2018

There’s someone from the last royal wedding that everyone wants to see again

James Dawson

People are hoping she’ll make a cameo again

Well, well, well. It’s here. The royal wedding day is finally upon us. Look on the news, people have been out on the streets waving their Union Jacks, they’ve been at it all night, all they want is to get a look at our reptilian overlords.

It’s wall-to-wall coverage,  a man in a suit is telling you repeatedly just how important it is. A woman is offering a detailed analysis of what colour hat the Queen is wearing. Rule Britania etc, etc.

But forget all that, because outside of the TV bubble there’s only one absolute legend that the people want to see again at this wedding. No, not Meghan in her dress. No, not Harry with his beard. No, not even the Queen.

You know who I’m talking about, the nun who was at Will and Kate’s who wore a pair of Reebok Classics.

Check out the Twitter hype:

She’s not appeared yet, but here’s hoping.