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06th Jun 2016

This little girl wore a hotdog costume instead of princess outfit, and basically won the internet

"In a world of princesses, be a hotdog"

Laura Holland

This little girl is named Ainsley. She’s 5, and from North Carolina in the US – and she has gone viral for wearing a hotdog costume.

People are going crazy for the #HotDogPrincess, praising her individuality and calling her an inspiration.

Ainsley’s dance class was having a Princess Day, and instead of wearing a dress like all the other princesses, she opted to wear her hotdog costume.

Her father Brandon confirmed that she chose her own outfit saying, “No parent is ready to learn that their daughter is trending… #hotdogprincess Best part is it was all her idea!”

Grayson Lamontagne, a teacher at Ainsley’s school who tweeted the original pictures, told BuzzFeed News:

“I wanted to share the pictures first of all because it was so innocent and cute, and also because I was so impressed with how confident a little girl could be with herself to just wear whatever she liked the best. Her parents and I agree that it’s a great message for young girls and they are, as I can imagine, very proud of Ainsley.”

Indeed, everyone is commending Ainsley for doing things her own way and not conforming to the norm.


Some wondered if Ainsley’s costume was a reference to animated TV show Adventure Time:

But dad Brandon ruled that out:

Lego made this tribute for Ainsley:

So remember

Lead image via Twitter/Brandon E Turner