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24th May 2016

This weirdass algebra textbook cover got people incredibly confused and excited

Too good to be true, but who cares?

Declan Cashin

Never mind the algebra equations contained within it, the cover of this university maths textbook is a much harder puzzle to solve.

This two-year old Reddit post resurfaced in the last few days and caused a fresh round of WTF-ery among internet users.

It’s just a harmless academic book cover, right? Well, not quite. Look closer.



Via Imgur

See it?

Let this Twitter user spell it out for you:

How indeed?!

Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 11.59.19


Clearly, there’s a very obvious explanation for it all – digital trickery – as one reply pointed out:

Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 12.00.33

But that didn’t stop online commentators having some fun with it first. Because when something like this comes along, and it appears too good to be true, you have a very narrow window before you get official confirmation that, yes, alas, there is less to it than meets the eye.

Obviously, the one explanation we all wanted to be true was this one:

Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 12.03.54

There was also this offering:

But then some killjoy pointed out that a Reddit user had found this image, which is a stock picture of college students holding generic notebooks.


Via atcnincometax

BuzzFeed Canada got into the mystery of the textbook cover, and contacted the publisher, Cengage, for an explanation. So unfortunately, it didn’t involve time travel or some sort of alternate universe-dimension hopping. It was just photoshop done for reasons that not even the publisher can properly clarify.

The company was clearly delighted with the viral sensation, as pointed out by a spokeswoman who told BuzzFeed: “If nothing else, perhaps we’ve helped to raise interest around the subject of algebra.”


