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20th Oct 2015

This vulture with its head stuck up a pig’s arse is having a worse day than anyone (Video)

He's having a nightmare...

Ben Kenyon

One minute you’re winning at life – chowing down on some mucky takeaway, the next minute your head’s up your arse.

While that’s probably a familiar story for most of us after a big weekend, we guarantee that no matter how bad your three-day hangover is, you’re not having a worse day than this vulture.

He must have thought he was well in there when he spotted a dead pig lying around. There’s nothing quite like a free lunch, and this scavenger was first at the buffet.

Happily chowing down on some pork one minute, the next he got his head firmly stuck on the pig’s bum.

Not just a little bit stuck either, the silly sod was there for a full hour wearing the decomposing hog’s rectum for a hat.

Our day automatically feels so much better…

Clip via Go Viral