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24th Nov 2016

This bloke chased down a criminal wearing just his pants in the most Australian event of all time

Not all heroes wear capes, or even trousers.

Paul Moore

13 million views already. Mate, this is superb.

Much like gravity, mathematics and the fact that the petition to change the name of Australia’s official currency to ‘dollarydoos’ was the greatest thing ever, it’s an undeniable fact that Australians just have a different perspective on life.

Their rugby side will be taking on Ireland this Saturday, but Michael Cheika’s men will be doing very well to top this Brisbane native in the entertainment stakes because this hilarious interview has gone viral and it’s easy to see why.

With several months having passed since Aussie Olympian Rohan Dennis delivered this interview, it’s fair to say a gap had opened up for the title of ‘most Australian man in the headlines’.

Not all heroes wear capes, or even trousers. Just ask Daniel McConnell, the underpants-clad Brisbane local who chased down an unlicensed driver who ploughed into a shopfront.

While the story is quite serious, we can’t help but laugh out loud at the hilarious, languid and no f***s given attitude of the internet’s latest hero.

The delivery of the line “I come outside in me jocks, and I seen old mate…and I said, ‘oi, what are you doing here mate, you gotta wait here,’ and he’s like, ‘na, na, I fell asleep behind the wheel” absolutely cracked us up.

