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27th Sep 2016

This quiz will determine who’s worth more – you or your best mate

Who's really the better of the two of you?

Alex Finnis

If you’re anything like most normal people, you tend to show your love for your best mate by telling him he’s a twat a lot.

It’s a sign of affection really, but that doesn’t mean there’s not some element of competition between the two of you – it’s only natural.

That’s why we’ve put together a quiz that can tell you who’s “worth more” (basically, tell you who’s the better human being) – you or your best mate. There are 15 questions you have to answer, comparing yourself to your mate, and you have to answer them honestly. At the end you’ll find out who’s really the better of the two of you.

If you and your mate both take this quiz and you both get the same answer, it means one of you is lying – or at least bending the truth in your own favour a little…

