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24th Nov 2016

American woman finds out that a slice of pizza doesn’t count as valid ID

Who would have thought it?

Paul Moore

You probably haven’t seen this in your local.

The Daily Hampshire Gazette have reported that a woman in Massachusetts slapped a nightclub bouncer after he refused to accept a slice of pizza as her form of identification.

The 21-year-old woman, said to be a college student, was asked for ID as she attempted to gain entry to the Monkey Bar and Grill in Amherst shortly after midnight last week.

In a *shocking* turn of events, the bouncer refused to accept the slice of pizza as a legitimate form of I.D , and the woman began arguing with him.

After being denied entry to the club, the woman then reportedly struck the bouncer.

Speaking with the Daily Hampshire Gazette, the co-owner of the bar stated that: “It’s definitely unexpected. It’s funny, and has given us a few laughs, and we hope it has given other people laughs. [The woman] said, ‘Just let me in.’ And [the bouncer] said, ‘You’re too intoxicated. I’m sorry.’”

It seems that the bar is seeing the funny side of the situation, clearing up the situation on Facebook with the following explanation:

‘Despite some popular misconceptions, Monkey Bar does not currently accept Antonio’s pizza as a valid form of ID. Sorry for the inconvenience.’

FFL new

