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24th Feb 2017

Analytics specialist uses data to determine the 10 most depressing Radiohead songs

We're not crying, you are

Conor Heneghan

Screw science, there’s no way we agree with number one.

There’s no doubting that Radiohead are one of the biggest and most influential bands of their generation.

There’s also no denying that they have produced plenty of music over the years that has a distinctly sombre tone, songs that can instantly change a listener’s mood in a matter of seconds.

Clip via trespeter

All music is a matter of opinion and all Radiohead fans would have their own opinions on which of their many sad songs is the most depressing, but one huge Radiohead fan, analytics specialist Charlie Thompson, sought to determine a definitive list, using data to prove it.

The methods Charlie used to get his results are far too complicated to explain here (a combination of Spotify API, Genius Lyrics API, Quantifying Sentiment and Lyrical Density, which you can read in more detail here), but in the end, using his Gloom Index, he determined that the ten songs below, in order, were the most depressing produced by the Oxford four-piece.

Most depressing Radiohead songs

  1. True Love Waits
  2. Give Up The Ghost
  3. Motion Picture Soundtrack
  4. Let Down
  5. Pyramid Song
  6. Exit Music (For A Film)
  7. Dollars & Cents
  8. High and Dry
  9. Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
  10. Videotape

Charlie also ranked Radiohead’s nine studio albums in terms of their ability to depress a listener and found that A Moon Shaped Pool was the gloomiest, a surprise choice ahead of what we would’ve considered the frontrunner, OK Computer.

GIF via

Despite the gloomy subject matter, Charlie’s investigation is a very interesting read and if you’re a Radiohead fan, we strongly encourage you to read it in more detail here.

In the meantime, try and have a happy Friday…

Clip via Music World