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27th Oct 2021

Drug dealer pleads guilty to selling drugs that killed Mac Miller

Charlie Herbert

The rapper had cocaine and fentanyl in his system at the time of his death

The man who supplied Mac Miller with drugs has pleaded guilty.

According to court documents seen by online outlet XXL, Stephen Andrew Walter entered a guilty plea with the United States Attorney’s Office on a distribution of fentanyl charge, which is a schedule II narcotic drug controlled substance.

He could now face up to 20 years behind bars.

American rapper Mac Miller was found dead at his California home on September 7 2018 after an accidental overdose of counterfeit, fentanyl-laced oxycodone pills. An autopsy of his body found alcohol, cocaine and fentanyl in his system.

Walter was accused of giving the 26-year-old the substance through two other dealers, Ryan Michael Reavis and Cameron James Pettit.

According to the court documents, Walter instructed Reavis to sell fentanyl to Pettit in the form of the counterfeit oxycodone pills and was fully aware of their deadly nature when doing so.

Pettit then delivered the drug to Miller, who suffered a fatal overdose after taking the pills and other substances.

Reavis is facing fraud and drug and gun possession charges, whilst Pettit is facing a charge of distribution of a controlled substance.

On the night that the drugs were supplied to Miller, Reavis had sent a text highlighting his concern with what was in the pills.

According to the grand jury indictment charging the three men with distributing the drugs, Reavis said in a message: “People have been dying from fake blues left and right.

“You better believe law enforcement is using informant informants and undercover to buy them on the street so they can start putting ppl in prison for life for selling fake pills.”

Prosecutors are recommending that Walter be sentenced to 17 years in prison and five years supervised release, TMZ reports.

They point out that by pleading guilty, Walter knew what was in the drugs he was selling.

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