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22nd Nov 2020

All shopping to be allowed ‘regardless of tier’ in run up to Christmas

In Boris Johnson's COVID winter plan, all shopping is expected to be allowed regardless of whichever tier a region is placed into after lockdown ends

Reuben Pinder

All hail capitalism baby

All shopping is expected to be permitted after lockdown ends and England returns to a strict three-tier system.

Prime minister Boris Johnson is expected to outline his ‘winter COVID plan’ to MPs on Monday, and a re-opening of all shopping facilities – not just those deemed ‘essential’ – is expected to feature.

This means those who prefer to indulge in a last minute dash around the shops rather than shopping online will be able to do so, regardless of the other restrictions in their region.

The new tier system introduced after December 2nd is expected to be stricter than before the second, four-week lockdown was announced, in order to preserve the gains made during this period. However, it’s not entirely clear what measures will be taken to enforce extra restrictions.

In fact, the controversial 10pm curfew, which only seemed to create a new, evening rush hour as people poured out of pubs and restaurants earlier than they would have liked, will be altered under new rules. It has been suggested that 10pm could remain the time for last orders, with customers given an extra hour to finish up an closures to be enforced at 11pm.

More regions could be placed into Tier 3 (the strictest one) in December, with decisions regarding areas affected to be made this week on Thursday.

The Cabinet is expected to discuss and sign off the plan on Sunday before Mr Johnson announces it to Parliament the following day.