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09th May 2019

BBC presenter fired over ‘racist’ tweet about Harry and Meghan’s baby

Wayne Farry

The tweet was sent shortly after the birth of the Royal baby

BBC presenter Danny Baker has tweeted to say that he was fired by BBC 5 Live, less than a day after he sent a tweet which was deemed racist by a number of people.

The tweet in question showed a man and a woman either side of a chimpanzee in a suit, holding its hands, accompanied by the caption “Royal baby leaves hospital”.

There was an immediate backlash from other users of the social media platform who deemed the photograph and caption as ‘racist’ and presumably referring to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s mixed race child.

Baker was quick to insist that the tweet in question was not racist, and insisted that once he was informed of the connotations associated with it that he removed it.

“Sorry my gag pic of the little fella in the posh outfit has whipped some up. Never occurred to me because, well, mind not diseased. Soon as those good enough to point out it’s possible connotations got in touch, down it came,” he said in a follow-up tweet on Wednesday evening.

Baker also claimed that he would have used the same photograph had it been in reference to the child of Boris Johnson or even one of his own children.

He tweeted: “Would have used same stupid pic for any other Royal birth or Boris Johnson kid or even one of my own. It’s a funny image. (Though not of course in that context.) Enormous mistake, for sure. Grotesque.”