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14th Mar 2022

Boris Johnson may not take in Ukrainian refugee due to ‘unique circumstances’

Danny Jones

Despite urging Brits to open their doors, the PM won’t be joining in

Boris Johnson reportedly won’t be taking in any Ukrainian refugees due to largely unspecified yet “unique circumstances”.

As per The Independent, Downing Street says that housing any individuals escaping the Russian invasion may not be possible due to “security challenges” and because it would be a “significant commitment”.

Furthermore, despite welcoming the Homes for Ukraine scheme just last week and making the visa application process easier, the UK is still being heavily criticised for how few Ukrainian refugees have been let into the country thus far.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan believes that the Russian-owned properties in Britain and London, specifically, should be used to house those fleeing the conflict following sanctions on the oligarchs living in the area known colloquially as ‘Londongrad’.

Those who take up the scheme are set to receive a healthy monthly payment for their kindness and to cover the additional household costs. Nevertheless, the PM – who recently accepted another pay rise – will apparently be unable to make the decision himself as his country mansion at Chequers is owned by a private trust.

It is thought that the nation has now issued more than 40,000 visas to Ukrainian refugees and emergency permission has been granted to 21 children needing “lifesaving” cancer treatment.

Prior to this week, it was revealed that the UK had issued just 50 visas following President Vladimir Putin‘s decision to send Russia into Ukraine.

Once again, despite a push for Britons to step up to the plate and embrace the scheme, few MPs are yet to lead by example; Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is among the few thought to be taking in a Ukrainian refugee so far.

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