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14th Mar 2022

21 Ukrainian children with cancer arrive in UK for ‘life-saving’ treatment

Charlie Herbert

Sajid Javid has said they will be able to stay ‘for as long as necessary’

The UK has welcomed in 21 Ukrainian children with cancer so that they can receive “lifesaving treatment.”

The government confirmed the news on Sunday night, saying that it was part of its “wider humanitarian response” to the conflict in Ukraine.

The government said they were brought over from Poland with the support of Polish authorities and clinicians and will receive “lifesaving cancer treatment.”

They said: “The 21 children and their immediate family members landed in England this evening from Poland and will be triaged by NHS clinicians to understand their health needs before being sent to NHS hospitals in England to continue their care.

“The vital and in many cases lifesaving cancer treatment will be provided free of charge by the health service across hospitals in England.”

The UK partnered with American non-profit organisation St Jude Children’s Research Hospital to arrange an urgent flight for the children.

Speaking to Sky News, Sajid Javid confirmed the children would be able to stay in the UK “for as long as necessary.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “The sickening suffering of innocent civilians in Ukraine is truly horrific. This vital lifesaving medical care is another important step in our support for the people of Ukraine and their resistance against Putin’s illegal invasion.

“I am hugely grateful to our fantastic NHS staff as well as our partners, including our Polish friends, for their support in bringing these children to the UK and we will continue to do all we can to support them as they continue their critical treatment here.”

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