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25th Sep 2021

Christmas toys set to be more expensive this year as stock levels drop

Kieran Galpin

Off to Toys R Us we go, oh wait!

Due to the looming threat of a toy shortage, experts have warned that prices could increase massively as we approach the festive period.

Due to a shortage in transport and shipping, toys this festive season could be of worse quality but significantly higher prices, experts have warned.

Andrew Coplestone, dolls’ pram specialist and founder of premium dolls’ pram provider Play Like Mum, has said that despite the rising prices of toys, the quality of them could actually decrease as we get closer to Xmas.

“The shortages we’ve seen so far have largely been seen around the food industry and the occasional empty supermarket shelf, but this will pale in comparison to the problems consumers will face as we enter the busiest period for UK retail this Christmas,” Coplestone said according to the South Wales Argus.

“In no sector will this be more apparent than in the toy industry – with the increase of shipping container costs impacting every corner of the global toy community.”

He continued: “The skyrocketing costs for imports will result in narrower product ranges, less seasonal discounting, low stock levels, and higher retail prices for potentially lower quality products.”

He continued to say that companies could very well charge more for Christmas favourites, and manufacturers may opt for cheaper materials to protect their bottom line.

“Consumers need to be aware that a hike in price for Christmas toys certainly does not mean an increase in quality.”

He said that despite his company taking a solid position on continuing to deliver high-quality products, this would be the most challenging Christmas period he has faced in 30 years.

Coplestone recommends planning ahead and thinking about buying presents early in the hopes of avoiding a price increase and a quality drop.

“It won’t be a very merry Christmas for many consumers and manufacturers alike.”

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