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02nd Apr 2022

Driver smashed up Ferrari after driving less than 2 miles

Kieran Galpin

and in cherry red too

After purchasing a flashy cherry-red Ferrari, a driver crashed the vehicle just two miles away from the dealership.

In one of the more expensive crashes to happen on a UK road, an unnamed man purchased what is believed to be a Ferrari 488 for £250,000. Just show miles away from the dealership, the owner totalled it in Derby.

The crash happened on April 1, leaving the owner with one hell of an expense.

The driver was uninjured in the collision, but the same cannot be said for his beautiful car.

Via Twitter, Derbyshire Police said: “Derby. 1st April. Driver bought a Ferrari this morning and crashed it after driving it less than 2 miles. No injuries. #DriveToArrive.”

Clearing up that it was not an April Fool’s prank, they added: “Not an April Fool. Incident 368 of 01/04/22 refers. Thanks.”

The post has seen a great deal of attention, where one person wrote: “Bloody moron.”

“The number of these hired out as pre wedding celebrations in Sandwell nr Birmingham is scary. Racing around the streets showing off,” another wrote. “I imagine they’re difficult to control due to the power. A bright yellow one shot past me this week.”

Another pointed out: “Sorry, but it proves that money cannot buy you talent. Enough money to buy a Ferrari, enough talent to drive a shopping trolley.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t we need separate tests for different power motorbikes & need to have the licence for the previous cat for a period of time b4 moving on to the next?” another user questioned. “If so why don’t we do the same for cars? Stops those who pass in a Mini, drive away in a Ferrari.”

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