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19th Nov 2021

‘Five days’ of snow on the way ahead of predicted -17C freeze

Danny Jones

Is a White Christmas on its way early?

The UK is set to be hit by five days of snow and temperatures plunging to as cold as -17C this month and at the start of December.

While we were already warned of snow arriving next week a couple of days ago, Exacta Weather’s James Madden told the Express that the coming days are just the prologue to “a number widespread snow events from the last week of November into the start of December.”

The forecatser has labelled the turn of the month as the start of “a potential mini ice age winter” and the Met Office‘s Alex Deakin also predicts that the Himalayan jet stream is likely to influence UK weather sometime soon. The Republic of Irleand is also set to receive more than a fair amount of snow.

Deakin explained that “enhanced rainfall over the Indian ocean has the potential to impact on the jet stream” which “could force the jet stream further south bringing cold air southwards and a meeting relatively warm system across the western Pacific.”

He also added that meteorologists and weather experts are “pretty sure will happen next week”, so best get your raincoats and ice scrapersat the ready.

It is estimated that there could be up to a centimetre of snow in areas like Scotland and Newcastle from the early hours of next Wednesday, according to WXCharts, and two centimetres could fall as far as Manchester throughout the day.

From there, the snowfall is only set increase, with as much as five centimetres in the Highlands and northern England the following day, while the Midlands is set for a mixture of sleet and snow right till Sunday.

It’s a tap in, we know, but… winter is coming—well, it’s already here, to be honest.

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