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03rd Feb 2023

Gary Neville responds to backlash after liking Mason Greenwood case tweet

Charlie Herbert

Neville has labelled it a ‘clumsy like’

Gary Neville has spoken out after he liked a tweet in relation to Mason Greenwood’s case.

On Thursday, the 21-year-old footballer had all charges of attempted rape, assault and coercive control against him dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

Following this, Neville liked a tweet from former CPS prosecutor Nazir Afzal who wrote that those accused are “innocent until proven guilty” before highlighting the need not to blame alleged victims.

Afzal said that Greenwood is “an innocent man, that’s all we need to know,” before adding that the “system is broken, but it’s for the state to prove guilt.”

As followers saw that Neville had liked the tweet, he received a backlash on Twitter. This prompted him to speak out, describing the like as “clumsy.”

The Sky Sports pundit tweeted: “I liked a tweet relating to the Mason Greenwood news this afternoon from Nazir Afzal. ( the former director of public prosecutions ). This like is being misinterpreted. It was a clumsy like as I obviously condemn any violence against women.”

Greenwood was first arrested in January last year after allegations relating to a young woman first surfaced online.

He was due to stand trial in November on charges of attempted rape, assault, and coercive control, all against the same woman.

After the news that the charges against him had been dropped, a spokesperson for the CPS said: “We have a duty to keep cases under continuous review.

“In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, we are under a duty to stop the case.

“We have explained our decision to all parties. We would always encourage any potential victims to come forward and report to police and we will prosecute wherever our legal test is met.”

Meanwhile, Manchester United have said they will now begin their “own process before determining next steps.”

They added: “We will not make any further comment until that process is complete.”

The club had not wanted to begin their own process until now in case this interfered with criminal proceedings. A timeframe has not been put on how long this will take.

Whilst United’s investigation is ongoing, Greenwood will not be able to return to the club’s Carrington Training base or be involved with the squad in any capacity, despite the case against him not going to trial.

His contract with the club is currently set to expire in June 2025.

In his own statement, Greenwood said: “I am relieved that this matter is now over and I would like to thank my family, loved ones and friends for their support.

“There will be no further comment at this time.”

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