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26th Aug 2021

Man, 25, dies after ‘using glue to seal his penis shut instead of a condom’

Danny Jones

The couple had forgotten to bring a condom

A man in India has died after using glue to seal his penis shut before having sex with his girlfriend as they’d forgotten after they’d forgotten to bring a condom.

Salman Mirza, 25, reportedly applied epoxy adhesive – basically, a strong form of super glue – to his manhood as a substitute for proper protection, in hopes that it would stop his fiancee from getting pregnant.

According to Ahmedabad police, the two not only decided to “seal off” the tip of his penis before intercourse, but were also said to have mixed whitener with the epoxy to inhale it for a “kick”.

The couple (who were reportedly on drugs at the time) checked into a hotel in the Juhapura neighbourhood of Ahmedabad, a city in the Gujarat region of India, on June 22nd. Mirza was found outside unconscious in a bush near an apartment complex by his acquaintance Firoz Shaik, who took him home the next day.

However, his condition deteriorated and was rushed to Sola Civil Hospital, where he went on to die from multiple organ failure – reportedly caused by the adhesive which had entered his system.

A senior Ahmedabad officer added: “Unfortunately, the adhesive damaged Salman’s organs, and he died due to multiple organ failure”. His relatives are now reportedly calling for an inquiry into his death, as they believe he may have taken a drug that affected his health, with the super glue simply adding complications.

Deputy Police Commissioner, Premsukh Delu, told local news outlets: “The viscera samples of the deceased have been sent for forensic examination. We are waiting for the report to arrive.”

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