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29th Jun 2021

Matt Hancock office camera ‘deliberately moved to catch kiss’

Danny Jones

According to reports, the camera in question was deliberately moved to catch Hancock and Coladangelo in the act

As reported exclusively in the Evening Standard, the CCTV camera that caught ended the former health secretary Matt Hancock and his close personal aide, Gina Coladangelo having an affair was deliberately tampered with to “stitch up” the former Health Secretary.

This comes as a senior Whitehall source has revealed that the camera was moved to capture the slightly nauseating embrace on film. An internal investigation is now seeking to discover if this is the case; thought it’s thought it could have been accidental during renovations, insiders believe it was deliberate.

While the Department for Health and Social Care declined to comment, a spokesman has said they will review internal security processes and a senior source told the Standard: “We all think Matt Hancock was really stitched up on this,”

Hancock resigned just 36 hours after the bombshell dropped after pressure from the public and MPs alike. Some 80 Conservatives are said to have pressed for his removal, with the hypocrisy over blatantly breaching Covid rules just the final straw in a long line of controversies.

Hancock has now split from his wife and reportedly plans to start a new life with Coladangelo, as Sajid Javid took his place as the new health secretary in the aftermath of the scandal.

The Standard called senior members of the West Suffolk Conservatives but was directed to the group’s main email address for a statement — although nothing was forthcoming. Key members do not appear to have spoken about the scandal on their social media pages.

While MI5 is expected to discuss investigations over the leaked footage with the Cabinet Office this week, Javid has confirmed that the CCTV has now been disabled – though he reiterated, not by him, personally.

Moreover, the former home secretary said that he has “never” known there to be camera’s in a minister’s private office in all his time as a politicians in “five different departments”, which only adds further credence to the suggestion that this current administration was looking to get Hancock out for some time.

After all, Boris did call him “totally f*cking hopeless”.