How can you un-see something?
If you thought the pics of Matt Hancock’s alleged affair were bad, wait until you see this.
We’ve all seen the screen shot of Hancock seemingly in a passionate snog with his close aide Gina Coladangelo, and now the great British public is having to suffer the pain of watching the video footage of the moment in question.
The footage was released last night and shows the health secretary closing the door to an office room before Ms Coladangelo is pulled in for a smooch.
Obviously, as is always the case in moments like these, Twitter was absolutely awash with memes and reactions to the video, providing a collective outlet for nation-wide trauma at having to watch the footage.
i am sorry but hancock must be the least sexy person in the entire world, it’s making me want to die
— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) June 25, 2021
Here’s the best of Twitter’s reaction:
More footage of matt hancocks cctv there…
— Ray Power
(@raypower123) June 25, 2021
I want the cctv footage of Matt Hancock googling where the clitoris is
— Stephen Tries (@StephenTries) June 26, 2021
As @fleetstreetfox pointed out last night, this contrast should cost Matt Hancock his job.
— Mike Holden (@MikeHolden42) June 26, 2021
Having watched A Serbian Film, the Human Centipede trilogy and the Matt Hancock video, I can safely say the last is the worst of the three. I feel the need to floss my entire head.
— Mark Kermode (@KermodeMovie) June 26, 2021
At least Hancock wasn’t lying when he said he was hard at work
— Marina Purkiss (@MarinaPurkiss) June 26, 2021