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13th Nov 2021

Matt Hancock set to write a book about his role in the pandemic, portraying himself in a “heroic light”

Danny Jones

Come again?…

Matt Hancock is reportedly in talks over a £100,000 book deal discussing his role in the pandemic, with suggestions that the tone will paint him in a “heroic light”.

As initially reported by the Daily Mail, the former health secretary is in discussions with publishers HarperCollins over a potential project – the working title at present is (wait for it)… ‘How I Won the Covid War’.

While this title has not been fully verified and there is still plenty of speculation surrounding the book, Hancock told the Mail: “I have been approached to write a book, but no decisions have been made.’

The as-yet unconfirmed book is rumoured to be a “blow-by-blow” account of “heated” lockdown discussion amongst the government and health experts, painting him in a more “heroic light” in the process.

Moreover, the book is expected to be used as a platform for him to dispute claims he was to blame for key blunders throughout multiple lockdowns, as well as attempt to get back into party or even Cabinet politics.

In one of the biggest stories of 2021, Hancock resigned as health minister not after having been heavily criticised in the extraordinary testimony delivered by the PM’s former adviser, Dominic Cummings, but after he was caught cheating on his wife with his own close personal aide, Gina Coladangelo.

Amidst all the outrage, Cummins labelled the 43-year-old “a liar” and even revealed a private WhatsApp message where Boris Johnson appeared to call him “f***ing hopeless”.

Angela Rayner has labelled the book as “disgusting” and “insult to each and every bereaved family” who suffered as a result of the UK’s poorly handling of the pandemic.

The deputy Labour leader went on to say ACOBA (the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments) should stop the deal in its tracks, while simultaneously labelling it “toothless and ineffective” – the suggestion “Boris Johnson needs to step in and stop Matt Hancock cashing in on tragedy and failure”.

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