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05th Nov 2021

Petition to restrict fireworks to protect pets gets 800,000 signatures

Danny Jones

The fireworks petition is calling for an overhaul to current guidelines

An online petition for the review of fireworks and the laws around both personal use and public displays has reached over 800,000 signatures, as the general public continues to worry about animal welfare.

The fireworks petition was set up by Julie Doorne, an avid campaigner for reform who is also part FAB (Firework Abatement) – rebranded as The Firework Campaign – which has been seeking change to legislation since 2013.

As it states in the description of the petition, those signing are “calling for an urgent review of firework regulations to further restrict their use, as a step to preventing needless animal suffering.”

It goes on to explain how “Around 40% of dogs are fearful of loud noises such as fireworks, meaning thousands of animals’ lives are made a misery by random fireworks”, adding that the RSPCA receives hundreds if not thousands of calls every year regarding “not just dogs and cats, but other pets, livestock and wildlife.”

Doorne even goes on to suggest that “There are also frequent reports of horses harming themselves by crashing into stable doors and over fences” – the general consensus being that animals simply cannot understand the loud noises and sudden flashes of light, causing psychological and physical distress and suffering.

The prospective appeal, one of many fireworks petitions over the year, is currently sitting at around 816,000 signatures with the following propositions:

  • Restricting private use (not just purchase) of fireworks to traditional dates such as November 5th, New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali.
  • Reducing the maximum permitted decibels for private use fireworks from 120, which is above the human pain threshold, to 97.
  • Requiring all public fireworks displays to be licensed.
  • Requiring fireworks packaging to be labelled indicating the noise level, to allow consumer choice.

The organisers and those vying for legal reform clearly aren’t attempting to cancel all firework associated events such as Bonfire Night this evening – they are more trying to reduce the and supposedly anti-social use around the events and throughout the year.

Fireworks are a big part of many national observances and celebratory events each year but implementing stricter guidelines around their usage throughout the year, the hope is that this will drastically reduce stress among animals across the UK.

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