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24th Jul 2021

Piers Morgan says he got Covid at Wembley despite already being double jabbed

Danny Jones

Piers reckons he got the ‘rona

Piers Morgan has said that he contracted Covid-19 at Wembley during the Euro 2020 final between England and Italy (yes, we know it still hurts) despite being double-jabbed.

Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, the 56-year-old said he suffered with a fever, chills, violent coughing and sneezing fits after joining thousands inside Wembley Stadium. He suspects he caught the Delta variant which is currently spreading across the UK.

Morgan said that he returned a positive Covid test just days after attending the match, adding, “This is definitely the roughest I’ve felt from any illness in my adult life”, citing a high temperature, cold sweats, coughing, sneezing and strange aches as well.

He also went on to say that, at the time, “Yes, it felt safe and covid compliant (everyone either fully vaccinated or negative LFT) at Wembley during the Euros until the final when 1000s of drunken morons crashed their way in with no tickets or testing – and probably turned it into a huge super-spreader event.”

However, he admitted that after seeing the crowds and misbehaving fans around Wembley Way, “My confidence that the event would be ‘covid safe’ had disintegrated”, describing it as having turned into “an unregulated free-for-all.”

Coronavirus cases were expected to surge following the end of lockdown earlier this week – daily figures have already reached over 50,000 at times – but events even prior to the easing, such as the Euros, have no doubt contributed to the numbers.