Seems reasonable
Police officers have threatened to arrest Facebook commenters taking the piss out of a drugs seizure.
West Yorkshire Police posted about a “small” amount of cannabis seized in Walton colliery nature park on Thursday.
Users seized on their own opportunity to harangue the Wakefield officers. One read: “Hope you manage to nail Pablo Escobar this afternoon.”
Another commenter said: “Cartels are all goin fkn mental.”

Police Inspector Martin Moizer wrote in the post: “***Cannabis Seized****
“PCSO 687 Ian Campbell and PCSO 882 Ben Hughes attended Walton colliery nature park and seized a small quantity of Cannabis from a young man who was parked up alone.
“Walton Colliery nature park will be firmly on our patrol plan in the future to prevent this behaviour.”
One reply simply read: “Wow that’s put a dent in the war on drugs lol.”
PCI Moizer edited the post a few hours later: “Please use this page with respect or you will be banned and maybe even prosecuted.
“I would like to remind everyone that this is a Police page and whatever your thoughts on one of my officers seizing drugs in the community, being insulting, abusive or offensive can and will result in a prosecution under the Malicious Communications Act 1988.”
An effective use of everyone’s time.