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25th Sep 2021

BBC reporter Phil McCann Responds after going viral

Kieran Galpin

McCann is now a media icon

Everyone was hysteric on Saturday morning after a journalist’s name sounded just like ‘fill my can’, and now the reporter has responded.

On Saturday morning, BBC journalist Phil McCann was reporting at a petrol station on the current fuel crisis when anyone with a modicum of common sense realised his name sounds hilarious like ‘fill my can’. Social media was set ablaze with comments, and he has been trending throughout the day.

On his Twitter account, he wrote: “It’s like being back in year 9! #nominativedeterminism.”

Nominative determinism refers to the theory that people gravitate to professions that their name relates to. For instance, Olympic sprinter Usain Bolt whose name lends itself to the idea he is super fast- which he certainly is.

In another tweet, the journalist tweets a photo of himself alongside the caption: “Today has been…”

Once again, people have applauded McCann for being a good sport.

“I love how, in the midst of all this the Brits pause and take pleasure in the slightest bit of humour. Smiling face with smiling eyes @phi1mccann we thank and salute you for just being there!!!” tweeted one fan.

“Did the words “Are you sure there’s no one else who can cover this, you just know what those pricks on twitter will do with this” or a variant thereof pass your lips when the job landed on your desk?” a fan asked.

When one user said it looked like he was wearing a boiler suit, McCann replied: “Take the mickey out of my name as much as you like but leave my coat out of it!”

“You’ve become an international phenomenon, Phil,” tweeted fellow journalist Katie.

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