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15th May 2023

The new Champions League format has been revealed and it’s awful

Callum Boyle

Super League Volume Two more like

Plans for the new-look Champions League have been revealed and there changes have left some fans describing it as a watered-down Super League.

The new style, set to roll out in the 2024/25 season, will include four new teams and 50 per cent increase in the number of games played throughout the duration of the competition.

In addition to extra monetary gain from it, ‘top clubs’ will also face a far more demanding fixture with the increase in games played.

After the European Super League confirmed that it would attempt to relaunch the league through company A22 Sports Management, UEFA unveiled their new plans for the tournament.

A single group containing 36 teams will replace the usual eight groups of four, with each side playing eight games now – four of them at home and the other four away.

Those who finish in the top eight of the table will automatically qualify for the last 16 while those who finish between ninth and 24 will have to contest a play-off round to take on those already through.

The remainder of the tournament would have a similar outlook to the Champions League that we are already familiar with.

As expected though, the new idea has left a sour taste in the mouth of football fans.

One person tweeted: “The new Champions League format from 2024 onwards looks a bit weird – thoughts? Looks a little bit like a ‘Super League’ there doesn’t it???”

Another said: “This is just the Super League in disguise.”

“This is horrendous. The best, most prestigious competition in European football ruined. The format is good as it is and doesn’t need changing at all. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Premier League clubs may benefit from the addition of extra teams too, with additional slots added to the best two performing European nations over the previous season, as well as a third for the nation occupying fifth place in the UEFA rankings.

If this was to be in effect this season, it would mean Liverpool would take the fifth spot.

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