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11th Sep 2021

Wayfair criticised for showing white supremacy book on coffee table ad

Kieran Galpin

The book read ‘white supremacy’ backwards

A Twitter user discovered a book called ‘White Supremacy’ decorating the top of a coffee table advertised on the American e-commerce website Wayfair. The internet is understandably not happy.

Twitter user @TMHaltom posted a link to a coffee table that, although fairly appealing, had a less than admirable reading material set upon it.

“The not-so-subliminal messaging of coffee table books on Wayfair is… a choice,” he tweeted.

“Why yes, it does appear to say “white supremacy” backwards.”

“Uhhh you might wanna rethink that coffee table book,” tweeted Audra Williams.

“What the actual F*CK  @Wayfair ????” tweeted Ryan.

A spokesperson for Wayfair told Mail Online that this issue was due to an issue with the supplier.

“Like other retailers of this product, as soon as we became aware of the issue, we took immediate action to remove the product image from the site and are investigating the matter with the supplier,” Wayfair’s Susan Freschette said in a statement.

Wayfair was one of the many companies to speak out on racism following the murder of George Floyd last year at the hands of white police officer Derek Chauvin.

“We can reconfirm our belief that racism in any form (explicit or implicit) is unacceptable in our community, both at Wayfair and the communities in which we live,” CEO Niraj Shah said last year.

“We need to keep saying this, more loudly and even more often. And, we must confront, and change, any examples we find.”

“One thing that we can all do is help is contribute to the causes that support ending racism, hatred and violence in our world.”

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