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22nd Jul 2021

Dawn Butler removed from House of Commons for calling the PM a liar

Kieran Galpin

Calling the PM a liar is not taken too kindly in the House of Commons

Labour MP Dawn Butler has been removed from the House of Commons after reportedly claiming that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has lied repeatedly during the pandemic.

“It’s dangerous to lie in a pandemic,” she began.

“I am disappointed the Prime Minister has not come to the House to correct the record and correct the fact that he has lied to the House and the country over and over again.

“Poor people in our country have paid with their lives because the Prime Minister has spent the last 18 months misleading this House and the country over and over again.”

The Evening Standard reports that temporary deputy speaker Judith Cummins said: “Order! Order! I’m sure that the member will reflect on her words she’s saying and perhaps correct the record.”

Ms Butler replied: “What would you rather – a weakened leg or a severed leg?

“At the end of the day the Prime Minister has lied to this House time and time again.

“It’s funny that we get in trouble in this place for calling out the lie rather than the person lying.”

Despite the deputy speaker urging Butler to ‘reflect’ her words once more, the MP was unrelenting in her stance. “I’ve reflected on my words and somebody needs to tell the truth in this House that the Prime Minister has lied.”

The speaker then stated that Butler must “withdraw immediately from the House for the remainder of the day’s sitting.”

Since her statement, Butler has received praise from both fellow political giants and the general public.

“Solidarity with @DawnButlerBrent,” tweeted former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

“Stand for something meaningful in this life. Have principle. Speak truth to power. Yes. She doesn’t rock those sista locs for no reason at all,” tweeted the UK’s first Race Correspondent, Nadine White.