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08th Jun 2021

Emmanuel Macron slapped in face while greeting people on presidential tour

Kieran Galpin

Emmanuel Macron took a bit of whack to the face while touring Drôme

A video appearing on both TikTok and Twitter shows the French president Emmanuel Macron being assaulted from behind a barrier.

Macron is used to shaking hands and maybe kissing a few babies on the head, but the last thing he expected was to be slapped across the face while visiting Drôme on his presidential tour around France.

The attacker leans into Macron, presumably saying something from behind his mask. Moments later, the gentleman in the khaki shirt slaps Macron across the face.

“Down with Macron-ism” is shouted in the background as police flood the area.

Bodyguards immediately pull the president away while a portion of them grab the attacker. Two people have reportedly been arrested.