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05th Jun 2017

Fox News call Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins’s views “reprehensible” after having them on as guests

Wil Jones

“On behalf of the network, I think all of us here find that idea reprehensible”.

During their coverage of the London attacks this weekend, Fox News featured contributions form both Ukip’s Nigel Farage, and recently-let go LBC presenter Katie Hopkins.

Both were featured on the network’s Fox & Friends morning show, and as reported by The New York Times, Hopkins called for Muslims on the terror watch list to be placed in internment camps, with Farage also bringing up the idea of internment.

Understandably, this brought a lot of condemnation, and proved too strong for even the notoriously right-leaning Fox News. Later in the broadcast, the anchors stop to formally point out that the network did not endorse the views of Hopkins and Farage.

Co-host Clayton Morris told viewers:

On behalf of the network, I think all of us here find that idea reprehensible here at Fox News Channel, just to be clear.